Kettlebell Fat Burning | Beginner Workout For Technique
When you follow these exercises, you will build endurance, functional strength, and muscular power. All of which help keep you burning fat long after your workout is done for the day. Make sure you have read the Safety First post, and have consulted your health care provider before starting any kettlebell training program.
Let’s get started…
Beginner Kettlebell Workout
This beginner kettlebell workout takes you through a complete workout of basic kettlebell exercises for building power, strength and endurance. These
dynamic, challenging exercises are great for working your entire body and
breathing new life into your exercise routine. The workout is divided
into sections with 3 exercises per circuit. You’ll perform each
exercise, one after the other, rest and repeat the circuit if desired. This is an advanced
type of training, so you should be adept at traditional exercise with a
basic level of cardio endurance and muscular strength. Before trying
this workout, familiarize yourself with the
basics of kettlebell training
and the techniques for safe and effective kettlebell workouts.
See your doctor before trying this workout if you have any injuries, illnesses
or other conditions. This workout is for people who have been exercising for
some time and have experience with cardio and strength training workouts.
Equipment Needed
A light, medium and heavy kettlebell. Suggested weights: 10-25 lbs for
women, 15-35 lbs for men.
How To
- Warm up with at least 10 minutes of light cardio to get your body ready
for the workout- Perform the exercises in each section, one after the other, rest for
30-60 seconds and repeat each circuit 1-3 times- Choose a lighter weight to practice the exercises and only move up to a
heavier weight when you’ve perfected the movement- Avoid any exercises that cause pain or discomfort and be sure to
carefully read the descriptions of each exercise to avoid injury
Modified Turkish Get Up
Lie down holding a medium kettlebell in the right hand, arm extended
straight over the shoulder with the elbow locked. Keeping the arm
extended and looking up at the weight, raise up onto the left elbow as
you bend the right knee. Lower back down the same way, arm
extended, until you’re lying all the way on the floor and repeat 8 times before switching sides.Kettlebell Swing
Hold a heavy kettlebell in both hands with legs
hip-width apart. Squat down, swinging the weight between the legs
(arms should touch the inner thighs) and shifting the weight into the
heels. Keep the torso upright and the abs
braced. At the bottom of the movement thrust up
through the hips, using the power of your lower body to bring the weight up to about hip level.
Bring the weight back down and repeat, taking the weight a little higher
with each swing, until it’s level with the shoulders. The kettlebell should feel
weightless at the top of the movement. Repeat for 16 reps. View the video
One Arm Swing
Begin holding a medium kettlebell in the right hand, feet hip-distance
apart. Squat as you take the weight down and back between the legs
and thrust the hips up as you swing the weight to about shoulder level,
keeping the left arm out for balance and stability. Practice a few
swings, taking the weight higher each time until you can get it to
shoulder level. Complete 8 reps and switch arms.Repeat Front Squat
Hold a medium-heavy kettlebell in one hand, holding it in the
“rack” position – elbow bent, weight in front of the shoulder and the
wrist neutral. Take the other arm out for balance and squat as low as you can or
until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep the knees behind the toes and use your abs and back to keep your
body in a stable position. Push into the heels and thrust the hips
up, using the power of your lower body to return to start. Repeat
for 16 reps and switch sides.
Kettlebell Clean
Hold a medium kettlebell in the right hand, left arm out for balance and
feet hip-width apart. Squat down, keeping the torso upright and
thrust the hips up as you come up, bending the elbow and drawing the
weight up to the shoulder while rotating the palm in. End the move
with the arm in the “rack” position: elbow bent, weight in front of the
shoulder and wrist neutral. Lower and repeat for 8 reps before switching sides.
Kettlebell Clean and Press
Hold a medium-heavy kettlebell in the right hand, feet hip-width
apart, with the arm straight. Lower into a squat with the torso upright and the abs braced.
Thrust the hips up as you come up, rotating the elbow down as you pull the kettlebell
up, catching it at shoulder height in the rack position. Absorb the weight of the kettlebell
and the movement by squatting slightly, keeping the wrist neutral.
From there, thrust the hips up and use the power of your lower body to
help push the weight overhead. Return to start and repeat for 8 reps before switching sides.Repeat Kettlebell Side Step with Single Arm Swing Curl
Hold a medium kettlebell in the right hand by your side. Step to the
right and lower into a squat, swinging the weight between the knees.
As you step the feet back together, swing the weight up into a biceps
curl, ending with the weight straight up. Repeat for 8 reps
before switching sides.
Low Windmill
Hold a medium kettlebell or dumbbell in the right
hand, turning the right toes out and the left toes forward, almost like
you’re standing on a surfboard. Take the left arm straight up and
lean to the right, kicking the left hip out and bending the right knee
as you lower the weight towards the floor. Keep your eyes on the
extended left arm. Straighten back to start and repeat for 8 reps before switching sides.Kettlebell Throw
Hold a medium-heavy kettlebell on either side of the handle (or on the
‘horns’). Squat and swing the weight back between the knees.
Thrust the hips forward, using the power of your lower body to swing the
weight up over the head. Let the weight swing back down, keeping
control of the movement and repeat for 16 reps.Repeat Kettlebell Single Arm Overhead Swing
Squat and swing a medium kettlebell back between the knees. Thrust
the hips forward, using the power of your lower body to swing the
kettlebell up overhead, arm straight. Swing the weight back down
and repeat for 8 reps before switching sides.Kettlebell Pushup
Get into a pushup position, on the knees or toes, placing one hand on
the handle of the kettlebell (harder) or on the bell (easier).
Keep the abs braced and the torso stiff as you bend the elbows, lowering
into a pushup.Because one hand is elevated, only go down as far as you comfortably
can and avoid straining the shoulder of the elevated arm. Push
back to start and repeat for 8 reps before switching sides.
Power Plank with Row
Get into a plank position, on the hands and toes, keeping the core
braced and the body in a straight line. Grab a moderate weight (I’m
using a 10-lb kettlebell here) and pull the elbow up to torso level in a
rowing motion. Lower the weight, lightly touching the floor, and
continue rowing while keeping the plank position. Repeat for 10
reps and then switch sides.Repeat
If you're really interested in using kettlebells to get in the best shape of your life, then Kettlebell Burn 2.0 could be the most important website you visit this year. Visit their homepage: Kettlebell Burn 2.0
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